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VolSec is a multidisciplinary consortium of faculty and students who carry out research in the field of cybersecurity. Research areas currently include network security, human factors in cybersecurity, software security, trustworthy AI, and embedded system security. Research topics include adversarial learning, authentication, IoT and mobile security, measurements, privacy-preserving federated learning, and usable encryption.

The consortium includes specialized research labs, faculty, and programs in the Min H. Kao Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Collaborations span these individual labs and research partners include Brigham Young University, Idaho National Laboratories, Georgia Tech University, Google Research, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The consortium is interconnected by the “VolSec Seminar Series” that provides faculty, students, and invited speakers with a platform for sharing cutting-edge research about cybersecurity and its applications.

The research group’s work has been published in top venues, such as IEEE S&P (Oakland), USENIX Security, CCS, MobiCom, MobiSys, CHI, UIST, UbiComp, and WWW. Its work is regularly featured in the media, including in the Communications of the ACM, BBC News, Yahoo News, MIT Technology Review, NBC New York, IEEE Spectrum, IEEE Security & Privacy, WCBS TV, and Voice of America TV.

Undergraduate Minor

EECS offers a minor in Cybersecurity. This prepares graduates to be leaders in the protection of data assets, and prepares them for careers that address security in application design, information systems, infrastructure, system management, and policy. The curriculum focuses on the techniques, policies, operational procedures, and technologies that secure and defend the availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation of information and information systems, in local as well as more broadly-based domains.

Current University of Tennessee faculty with active cybersecurity research projects include:

Min H. Kao Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science